November 26, 2012

**** 4 Star review for The Jess Docker Show!

After a successful run, the Pentameters Theatre announced before the show that it will bring the show back for a 3 week run in the new year from the 15th January 2013. The actors bring the show to life with thoughtful direction by Harry Saks. A full house enjoyed a thought provoking production and topical subject of a seedy chat show host who is lured to the flat of Tristan and Holly desperate to raise their profile in the world of art. The Jess Docker show is the complete opposite of all they aspire to as low budget film making and writing team. Jess Docker is incipiently held against his will but strangely attracted to Holly in a tense but darkly humorous encounter which has twists and turns and witty annotations of the highs and lows of the fine lines of success and failure. This is a dark piece but an intriguing comedy that satisfies the curiosity of its audience. The performances are engaging and the plot is unpredictable with a clever, witty script. A fantastic venue with a regular theatre going audience. 

Christopher will be performing a scene from 'Jump' at the Leicester Square theatre on 27th Nov 2012 at  12:30 and 14:30...
After a fantastic run 'The Jess Docker Show' will be back due to popular demand from Jan 15th 2013.
Come and see Christopher as the deranged Jess Docker at the Pentameters theatre in an amazing, topical and very successful play... don't miss this 3 week run!! Check previous posting for our 5 star review...

November 17, 2012

Review for the 'The Jess Docker Show'

***** Five Stars!!

Thourougly enjoyed the "The Jess Docker Show" at Pentameters. Very topical storyline about a deranged television host and the do anything to be famous micro-celeb brigade. There were moments of high drama and raucous comedy, the performances were full of energy and you were fully immersed in their fame hungry world...Well worth seeing!!!

November 03, 2012

Christopher Kouros is now on TWITTER... @imchristopherk (Christopher K)