March 29, 2013

March 26, 2013

Review for The Café: 

By far the stand out performance of the night was Christopher Kouros, as turkish Chef Naz, superbly natural with impeccable comic timing!!!!

Review for The Café:

Everything about this production is strong. 

The acting is flawless and exceptionally well-cast.

March 17, 2013

March 05, 2013

Check out the Video Trailer for 'The Café'... Opening on 19th March 2013 HERE!!

February 09, 2013

For more details on Christopher's appearance as 
Naz in 'The Café', click HERE!

January 24, 2013

Christopher will be appearing as Naz in 'The Café' at the Old Red Lion Theatre in March 2013.
Keep watching this space for more details.

What's Peen Seen? Review of "The Jess Docker Show"

First of all, it must be noted that the Pentameters Theatre is a wonderful little gem nestled at the top of a winding staircase above the Three Horseshoes Pub in Hampstead. It showcases both new writing and revamped classics alike. The Jess Docker Show by Harry Saks is a satirical look at how the 'trash culture' of programs such as The X Factor and Big Brother are creating a dumbed-down society in which it is difficult to maintain artistic integrity and survive within the arts industry.
Low-budget filmmaker Tristan (Andrew Fitch) and scriptwriter Holly (Chloe Fontaine) are living in a rundown, grotty Camden flat and are reaching breaking point with both their relationship, and their lack of professional success. In a hope to change their luck, Holly devises a plan; she is going to lure the sleazy television personality, Jess Docker (Christopher Kouros), back to her and Tristan's flat and attempt by any means necessary to get a slot on his show.
However, hot-headed Tristan threatens to jeopardise everything with his inability to compromise on his principles.It's a fast-paced, rambunctious comedy, and with the recent scandal about TV personality Jimmy Saville, it has quite a topical slant. Both Fitch and Kouros deliver believable and charismatic performances, the intimate space allowing for no escape from Docker's creepy gaze and oily persona.
The sense of claustrophobia felt by Holly and Tristan and the lack of escape for Docker is palpable for the audience as we, too, are held within the tiny space of their flat. The clutter of both the set and the theatre itself only adds to the sensation of being trapped within their world.
The plot is fairly unpredictable. It is full of twists and there is a slightly unexpected darkness resonating from Tristan's bitterness, Holly's desperation and Docker's unapologetic debasement. The Jess Docker Show is an enjoyable hour which ultimately culminates in quite a satisfactory conclusion, leaving us questioning where our priorities lie and how far we are really willing to go to achieve our dreams.

January 15, 2013

Christopher is back as Jess Docker in 'The Jess Docker Show' opening today until Feb 3 2013 at the Pentameters Theatre. #thejessdockershow